1978 Maxi 7.3 26' Sailboat BID $10.07 (Norwalk CT)

1978 Maxi 26' Sailboat
Year: 1978
Make: Maxi
Model: 7.3
Length: 26'
Draft: 6'
ENGINE: Inboard OMC Saildrive
all the following items free of charge, some items may not function: Compass, Depth Finder, Fish Finder, GPS, VHF Radio, BBQ, Ice Box, Gas Stove, Toilet, Galley Sink, Anchor, Bilge Pump, Cushions, Dock Lines, Fire Extinguisher, Life JAckets, Rope, Spotlight, Swim Ladder, Genoa, jib, Main Sail, Spinnaker, Storm Jib, Top Sail, Backstay, Boat Hook, Boom, Boom Vang, Cleats, Forestay, Halyards, Mast, Main Sail Cover, Navigation Lights, Rudder, Sail Bags, Sail Covers, Spinnaker Pole, Spreaders, Stays, Tiller, Winch Handles.